- Archaeological and Geoarchaeological Research in Kazachstan
- Archaeological and geoarchaelogical investigation of the Aleppo hinterland
- At the Transition from Late Antiquity to Islam - Resafa in Syria – Cult Site and Center of Power in Relation to Landscape
- Felix Romuliana - A Late Ancient Imperial Palace and Its Surroundings
- Geoarchaeological Case Studies in the Bakırçay Valley – Paleogeography and Human-environmental Interactions in the Chora of Pergamon in Western Turkey
- Geoarchaeological and sedimentological investigations in the hinterland of the Bay of Taganrog – A case study on the Holocene landscape development in the northeast Black Sea Region
- Gesellschaftliche Bedingungen technologischer Entwicklungen im Neolithikum und frühen Chalkolithikum Turkmenistans
- Integrated Tomb Complexes in Petra and the Mediterranean Funerary Architecture of the Roman Age
- Parametrisierung natürlicher Standorteigenschaften Zentraler Orte und ihres Umlandes: Standortmodellierung
- Prehistoric mobility and palaeodiet in Western Eurasia. Stable isotope analysis of human populations and domesticated animals between 3500 and 300 cal BC.
- Taganrog und sein Umland zwischen Bronze- und früher Eisenzeit. Eine Regionalstudie
- The Western Globular Amphora Culture. Investigations into Differentiation in Space and Time and Cultural and Anthropological Identity
Research Projects
- Lossow bei Frankfurt (Oder) – Eine früheisenzeitliche Kultstätte in der antiken Randzone
- Raumwirksame Innovationen und mobile Lebensweise im Nordpontikum (3.500–2.000 v. Chr.) und Siebenstromland
- The emplacement of innovations in prehistoric southern Turkmenistan
Third-party Funded Project
- Resafa – Rusafat Hisham. The residence of Caliph Hisham b. Abd al-Malik (rgn. 724 – 743 AD)
Additional Project
- Interactive atlas of the ancient Near East