
Research Projects

  • Moving Beyond: Towards an Early Modern Aesthetics of the Other World

    Moving Beyond explored the aesthetics underlying Spenser’s Faerie Queene as well as other texts, from the Renaissance to contemporary literature. It focused on the transformations ancient discourses and modes of thinking about transcendence and the Other World undergo in their later contexts. Enquiring into, and seeking to describe the devices used in these Early Modern and Modern renderings of ancient topologies, the project aimed at showing the extent to which literary fictions not only document and mirror (“represent’) earlier discourses on space, turning them into formative agencies, but in fact actively reflect, reshape and rework them in a manner that may help to discover and thematize aspects hitherto unperceived.

  • Spoliierung und Transposition. Kategorien und Methoden einer objektorientierten Archäologie antiker und antikisierender Räume und Raumvorstellungen

    Das Projekt „Spoliierung und Transposition. Kategorien und Methoden einer objektorientierten Archäologie antiker und antikisierender Räume und Raumvorstellungen“ unternahm den Versuch, Perspektiven einer an den Kategorien des „spatial turn“ orientierten Erweiterung der Forschungsansätze der bisherigen Spolienforschung zu sondieren.