Journalist in Residence Fellowship
With the “Journalist in Residence Program”, Topoi offered research scholarships for two journalists with a focus on science. During their three to six months’ stay, they had the opportunity to immerse in the various research areas of the Cluster, to exchange ideas with researchers, or to participate in conferences and meetings. This allowed contacts with researchers and ideas for own journalistic projects. The aim of the program was both to encourage the exchange between journalists and researchers and, to communicate Topoi research and research results to the public.
Previous Journalist in Residence at TOPOI

Andrew Curry | Journalist in Residence 2014
During his research stay at Topoi, the American science journalist Andrew Curry worked on ancient concepts of borders, ranging from country borders to intellectual borders and gave lectures on science journalism and his journalistic perspective on Antiquity and archaeology. He writes for The New York Times, the English version of Spiegel Online and the popular science magazines Archaeology and National Geographic. He was a long-time guest and discussion partner in Topoi and has reported several times on projects of the cluster – most recently in an article in the American magazine “Archeology” about researches on Scythian graves.

The Berlin-based journalist Antje Lang-Lendorff received a fellowship linked to the topic of migration. In the national newspaper “tageszeitung” she had previously written on the situation of refugees coming to Berlin. During the fellowship, she focused on historical examples of migratory movements and wrote a blog which accompanied the Topoi lecture series “Migration. Wanderungsbewegungen vom Altertum bis in die Gegenwart”. Her interviews with speakers of the series were published in the regional and national press.
Blog “Migration. Wanderungsbewegungen vom Altertum bis in die Gegenwart” (