This project continued the editorial work on Roman milestones initiated by research group (B-I-1) Surveying and Limitation.
The first volume of the “Edition Miliaria provinciarum Hispanarum” was released in 2015. It contains about 350 milestones and their inscriptions from the area between the Pyrenees and the Costa de Almería (Hispania Citerior), which Manfred G. Schmidt and Camilla Campedelli have recorded on epigraphic journeys in the last five years. The road map, which has been reconstructed on this basis and with the aid of the Itineraria Romana, comprises 21 public roads connecting all the major cities of the eastern half of the Iberian Peninsula.
For the second volume (together with M. Rathmann: Miliaria provinciae Hispaniae Ulterioris, CIL XVII 1.2) all the inscriptions from the province of Baetica (modern Andalucía) have been collected and documented, as well as a large part of the inscriptions from the province of Lusitania along the Vía de la Plata. A final epigraphic journey in April 2017 concluded the collection of this material.
Photos and drawings of all inscriptions are successively integrated into the database ‘Archivum Corporis Epigraphicum’ and are thus accessible to the community through this international research tool as well as via linked databases (open access).
The edition of the inscriptions from milestones of the province Baetica is in preparation and will first be published as ebook on the website, later on presumably in volume CIL XVII/1.2.

Repair work on the Via Augusta: Milestone of the emperor Aurelianus (270/271 AD) from the road leading across the province of Baetica, preserved in Almodovar del Río (prov. Córdoba) in the Museo Etnológico de Ángel Estévez | Photo: M. G. Schmidt (2014); drawing: C. Campedelli (2014).
Abascal Palazón, Juan Manuel, Department of Ancient History, University of Almería
Caballos Rufino, Antonio, Department of Ancient History, University of Sevilla
Gimeno Pascual, Helena, Centro CIL II, University of Alcalá de Henares
Knapp, Robert C., Department of Classics, University of California at Berkeley
Kolb, Anne, Department of Ancient History, University of Zürich
Pastor Muñoz, Mauricio, Department of Ancient History, University of Granada
Rathmann, Michael, Department of Ancient History, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Ventura Villanueva, Ángel, Department of Archaeology, University of Córdoba
Wesch-Klein, Gabriele, Department of Ancient History, University of Heidelberg