The dissertation examined the legal implications of private and public roads based on juristic information found in the corpus agrimensorum, the sources of the XII Tablets (451/450 BC) and the Corpus Iuris Civilis (6th century AD).


The project on the relation between ‘viae publicae’ and ‘viae privatae’ made use of detailed juristic information found in the corpus agrimensorum, in addition to the sources of the XII Tablets (451/450 BC) and the Corpus Iuris Civilis (6th century AD). This research paper examined the legal implications of private and public roads in detail. The drawing of a distinction between ‘viae publicae’ and ‘viae privatae’ supported a comprehensive understanding of colonization and, thus, of the opening of space in the ancient world.

The dissertation has been successfully completed and published:
Sebastian Frühinsfeld, Das Verhältnis von via publica und via privata, Berliner Schriften Zur Rechtsgeschichte, Band 7, Nomos Verlag 2017