The objective of this dissertation is to conduct a (new) survey of the quantity and quality of individual types of imperial construction projects in Severan Asia Minor, and to analyze and evaluate the results. The research will focus on determining what political, economic and/or cultural circumstances can be grasped on this material basis, and how the scaling and transformation of the space was organized by the Severans.



The building activity in Severan Asia Minor (193 – 235 AD) reveals differing impressions of the epoch, depending on the investigated building type, region or emperor. The aim of this doctoral dissertation project is therefore to record, to analyze and to (re-)estimate the quantity and quality of the various monument types of imperial, civic and private building activity in Asia Minor. Which kind of political, economic and/or cultural background is mirrored by the collected data? Who had effect on, who financed and supervised the building activity in Severan Asia Minor, ergo who influenced the design of the cities and provinces of Asia Minor in Severan times?

This Ph.D. thesis is being written within the program “Landscape Archaeology and Architecture” (LAA) of the Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (BerGSAS).