Salvatore De Vincenzo, Christian Domdey, Philipp R. Hoelzmann, Daniel Knitter, Katja Moede, Markus Müller and Felix Obeloer, "Zur Archäologie und Landschaftsentwicklung im Turano-Tal (Sabiner Berge), Italien", in: eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Volume 2 (2012/2013) (2013), 45–110


A joint project of archaeologists and geographers investigated the landscape development and settlement history of the Turano valley, NE of Rome. The valley fills in the area were deposited during the last 5500 years and show an interlocking of colluvial and fluvial sediments. From c. 2200 BC onwards a continuous increase in sediment thickness attests to modifications of the fluvial systems. The distribution of 14C-dates exhibits intervals of intense sediment dislocation representing changes in land use and society. Archaeological research focused on evidence of Roman settlement activities. In this context a Roman temple situated in the basement of the medieval church on Mount San Giovanni is of particular interest, as it served the surrounding valley as a central place. Additionally, an already known monumental grave inscription was documented.

Published In

Gerd Graßhoff and Michael Meyer (Eds.), eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Volume 2 (2012/2013) (2013), Berlin: Exzellenzcluster 264 Topoi