Helmut Utzschneider, "Irdisches Himmelreich. Die ‚Stiftshütte‘ (Ex 25–40*) als theologische Metapher", in: Fabian Horn and Cilliers Breytenbach (Eds.), Spatial Metaphors. Ancient Texts and Transformations, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2016, 145–163


The biblical narrative of the creation of the Sinai sanctuary, called the tabernacle, in the book of Exodus chapters 25-40 is interpreted as “living metaphor” in the sense of Paul Ricoeur as well as “absolute metaphor” in the sense of Hans Blumenberg. The tabernacle and its sacred furniture have to be built by the Israelites on God’s instruction. It serves God as ‘dwelling’ among the Israelites. The space and the rooms of the sanctuary are developed from different perspectives. The metaphorical character of the narrative is proved by the fact that the ‘dwelling of God’ can only be represented in the tension between divine and human realms. The space of the sanctuary unites opposing yet complementary ways of God’s presence among mankind.

Published In

Fabian Horn and Cilliers Breytenbach (Eds.), Spatial Metaphors. Ancient Texts and Transformations, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2016