Jochen Reinhard, "Structure-from-Motion-Photogrammetrie mit Agisoft PhotoScan. Erste Erfahrungen aus der Grabungspraxis", in: Undine Lieberwirth and Irmela Herzog (Eds.), 3D-Anwendungen in der Archäologie. Computeranwendungen und quantitative Methoden in der Archäologie. Workshop der AG CAA und des Exzellenzclusters Topoi 2013, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2016, 17–44


Until recently, photogrammetric documentation methods in archaeology have been mainly applied by specialists due to their complexity and the need for expensive equipment. Therefore, these methods were only used in exceptional archaeological case studies. However, recently released software solutions are now available that allow a three-dimensional photogrammetric analysis of images derived from common uncalibrated (digital) cameras. One of these programs is the easy-to-use and cost-effective sotware ‘PhotoScan’ from the Russian company Agisot LLC. In this paper, first practical experiences with this program of three very different archaeological examples are presented.

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