Index of all Research Publications in 2015
The Topoi Publication Database documents publications as a result of research activities at the Excellence Cluster Topoi. Listed are publications starting with year 2007. Some publications are available electronically as PDF or are linked to an open access online resource.
- Incollection:
Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt, "The Palace of the Roman Emperors on the Palatine in Rome", in: Michael Featherstone, Jean-Michel Spieser, Gülru Tanman and Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt (Eds.), The Emperor's House, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015, 3–18 - Collection:
Michael Featherstone, Jean-Michel Spieser, Gülru Tanman and Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt (Eds.), The Emperor's House, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015 - Article:
Steffen Schneider, Albrecht Matthaei, Marlen Schlöffel, Cornelius Meyer, Mario Kronwald, Anna Pint and Brigitta Schütt, "A geoarchaeological case study in the chora of Pergamon, western Turkey, to reconstruct the late Holocene landscape development and settlement history", in: Quaternary International, 367 (2015), 62–76 - Incollection:
Carolin Jauß, "Pottery vessels and food practice: Some reflections on vessels and texts", in: Maria Bianca D'Anna, Carolin Jauß and J. Cale Johnson (Eds.), Food and Urbanization. Material and Textual Perspectives on Alimentary Practice in Early Mesopotamia, Rom: Gangemi Editore, 2015 - Incollection:
Maria Bianca D'Anna, Carolin Jauß and J. Cale Johnson, "Introduction", in: Maria Bianca D'Anna, Carolin Jauß and J. Cale Johnson (Eds.), Food and Urbanization. Material and Textual Perspectives on Alimentary Practice in Early Mesopotamia, Rom: Gangemi Editore, 2015 - Incollection:
Maria Bianca D'Anna and Carolin Jauß, "Cooking in the Fourth Millenium BCE: Investigating the Social via the Material", in: Susanne Kerner, Cynthia Chou and Morton Warmind (Eds.), In Commensality: From Everyday Food to Feast, Bloomsbury Academic, 2015 - Incollection:
Ines Beilke-Voigt, "Lossow. Ein bronzezeitlicher Burgwall an der Oder", in: , Begleitheft zur Sonderausstellung Zeugen der Vergangenheit . Neues aus der Landesarchäologie. Sonderaus-stellung im Archäologischen Landesmuseum im Paulikloster in Brandenburg a. d. Havel, 2015 - Incollection:
Ines Beilke-Voigt, "Lossow: Zentrum einer Siedlungslandschaft", in: , Begleitheft zur Sonderausstellung Archäologische Landschaften. Sonderausstellung im Archäologischen Landesmuseum im Paulikloster in Brandenburg a. d. Havel (Brandenburg 2015) , 2015, 29–31 - Inproceedings:
Ines Beilke-Voigt, "Gräberfelder, Kultstätten und Heiligtümer", in: Boguslaw Gediga, Anny Grossman and Wojciecha Piotrowski (Eds.), Miejsca pamięci pradzieje, średniowiecze i współczes-ność / Orte der Erinnerung. Urgeschichte, Mittelalter und Gegenwart. Tagungsband zur gleichnamigen Tagung in Biskupin 04.-06.07.2012, Wroclaw: Polnische Akademie der Wissenschaften , 2015, 273–304 - Incollection:
Ines Beilke-Voigt, "Ritualisierte Bestattungen in der frühen Eisenzeit . Eine vergleichende Betrachtung zu den Befunden von Lossow (Brandenburg) und Gzin (Polen)", in: Stefanie Wefers, Maciej Karwowski, Janine Fries-Knoblach, Peter Trebsche and Peter Ramsl (Eds.), Waffen – Gewalt – Krieg. Beiträge zur Inter-nationalen Tagung der AG Eisenzeit und des Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów 19.-22. September 2012, Langenweißbach: Beier & Beran, 2015, 7–27 - Collection:
Maria Bianca D'Anna, Carolin Jauß and J. Cale Johnson (Eds.), Food and Urbanization. Material and Textual Perspectives on Alimentary Practice in Early Mesopotamia, Rom: Gangemi Editore, 2015 - Article:
Martin Klein and Anselm Oelze, "Berlin: Thinking in the Middle Ages. Animals, Humans, Angels", in: Bulletin de philosophie médiévale, 56/2014 (2015), 418–427 - Inproceedings:
Malgorzata Daszkiewicz, Gerwulf Schneider, Ewa Bobryk and Manja Wetendorf, "The alteration effect of ashes – model analysis on raw materials from Musawwarat es-Sufra (Sudan)", in: Susanne Greiff, A. Kronz, F. Schlütter and Matthias Prange (Eds.), Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 2015. Jahrestagung an der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz 25.-28. März 2015, 2015, 89–91 - Article:
Bernd Müller-Neuhof , Alison Betts and George Wilcox, "Jawa, eastern Jordan: the first 14C Dates from the early occupation Phase", in: Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie, 8 (2015), 124–131 - Article:
Joanne Rowland, "Prehistoric groups along the western Nile Delta", in: Egyptian Archaeology. The Bulletin of the Egypt Exploration Society, 47 (2015), 37–39 - Article:
Jaime Curbera, "Schwarze Magie in der Berliner Antikensammlung", in: Antike Welt. Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte, 46 (2015), 37–39 - Article:
Jaime Curbera, "Seven Curse Tablets from the Collection of Richard Wünsch", in: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 195 (2015), 143–156 - Collection:
Manfred G. Schmidt and Camilla Campedelli (Eds.), Miliaria provinciae Hispaniae Citerioris, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015 - Incollection:
Joseph Vogl, "Zum Begriff einer ‚seignioralen’ Macht", in: Wolf Dieter Enkelmann and Birger Priddat (Eds.), Was ist? Wirtschaftsphilosophische Erkundungen. Definitionen, Ansätze, Methoden, Erkenntnisse, Wirkungen, 2015, 395–412 - Article:
Joseph Vogl, "The End of an Illusion", in: Finance and Society, 1/2 (2015), 38–41 - Article:
Joseph Vogl, "Politik ohne Regelungsmonopol. Vierte Gewalt, Finanzmacht und Zentralbanken", in: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 25/2 (2015), 257–262 - Book:
Joseph Vogl, Der Souveränitätseffekt, Berlin: Diaphanes, 2015 - Article:
Helen Dawson, "Deciphering the elements: cultural meanings of water in an island setting", in: Accordia Research Papers, 14 (2015), 13–26 - Inproceedings:
Elena Grigoryeva, "Der armenische Text des Aristoteles in der Auslegung der Analytiken Davids", in: Nikolai N. Kazansky (Ed.), Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology – XIX. Proceedings of the 19th Conference in Memory of Professor Joseph M. Tronsky. June 22–24, 2015, 2015, 179–192 - Inproceedings:
Bernd Roling, "Virgula divinatrix – Frühneuzeitliche Debatten über die Wünschelrute zwischen Magie und Magnetismus", in: Peter-André Alt, Jutta Eming and Volkhard Wels (Eds.), Magia daemoniaca, magia naturalis, zouber. Schreibweisen von Magie und Alchemie in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2015, 421–439 - Article:
Daniel Knitter, Wiebke Bebermeier and Oliver Nakoinz, "Bridging the Gap – Integrated Approaches in Landscape Archaeology. Editorial", in: Bridging the Gap – Integrated Approaches in Landscape Archaeology, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 4 (2015), i–viii - Incollection:
Stephan G. Schmid, Zbigniew T. Fiema, Piotr Bienkowski and Bernhard Kolb, "Documenting Nabataean Royal Residences in Petra", in: Zeev Weiss (Ed.), Ehud Netzer Volume, 2015, 166–181 - Incollection:
Antonio Lucci, "Dizione e Veri-dizione. Tre percorsi Sul concetto di "sacramento" in Giorgio Agamben", in: Francesco V. Tommasi (Ed.), Del sacramento che viene all'idea. Storia filosofica di un concetto teologico, 2015, 151–164 - Article:
Antonio Lucci, "Jenseits des Austausches. Die Unterbrechung der Austauschordnung als logische Strategie bei Giorgio Agamben", in: Azimuth. Philosophical Coordinates between Modern and Contemporary Age, 5 (2015), 105–118 - Article:
David Warburton, "Civil Society: Typology, Stratigraphy & North Mesopotamian Architectural History", in: Akkadica, 136/2 (2015), 157–199 - Article:
Audrey Roche, "An integrative approach for an integrated exploitation of natural resources: 'villae' and karstic environment around Banassac (France) in the Roman period", in: Bridging the Gap – Integrated Approaches in Landscape Archaeology, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 4 (2015), 188–206 - Article:
Thanasis Georgakopoulos and Athina Sioupi, "Framing the difference between Sources and Goals in Change of Possession events: a corpus-based study in German and Modern Greek", in: Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, 3 (2015), 105–122 - Article:
Lidewij E. van de Peut, "Review of Zernecke, A.E., Gott und Mensch in Klagegebete aus Israel und Mesopotamien. Die Handerhebungsgebete Ištar 10 und Ištar 2 und die Klagepsalmen Ps 38 und Ps 22 im Vergleich. (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 387). Ugarit Verlag. Münster, 2011", in: Bibliotheca Orientalis, 72, 1–2 (2015), 110–113 - Incollection:
Therese Fuhrer, Felix Mundt and Jan Stenger, "Introduction", in: Therese Fuhrer, Felix Mundt and Jan Stenger (Eds.), Cityscaping. Constructing and Modelling Images of the City, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015, 1–18 - Incollection:
Jan Stenger, "The Soul and the City: John Chrysostom’s Modelling of Urban Space", in: Therese Fuhrer, Felix Mundt and Jan Stenger (Eds.), Cityscaping. Constructing and Modelling Images of the City, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015, 133–153 - Incollection:
Dominik Bonatz, "A Middle Assyrian Centaur from Tell Fekheriye", in: Paola Ciafardoni and Deborah Giannessi (Eds.), From the Treasures of Syria. Essays on Art and Archaeology in Honour of Stefania Mazzoni, 2015, 153–162 - Collection:
Nikolaus Bernau, Hans-Dieter Nägelke and Bénédicte Savoy (Eds.), Museumsvisionen. Der Wettbewerb zur Erweiterung der Berliner Museumsinsel 1883/84, Kiel: Verlag Ludwig, 2015 - Article:
Elisabeth Günther, "Review of: Lothars Willms, Transgression, Tragik und Metatheater. Versuch einer Neuinterpretation des antiken Dramas, Tübingen 2014: Narr Verlag", in: H-Soz-Kult, 27.04.2015 (2015) - Article:
Elisabeth Günther, "Review of: Vesa Vahtikari: Tragedy outside Athens, Tragedy Performances Outside Athens in the Late Fifth and the Fourth Centuries BC, Papers and Monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens XX, Helsinki 2014: Suomen Ateenan-Instituutin säätiö (Foundation of the Finnish Institute at Athens)", in: H-Soz-Kult, 05.10.2015 (2015) - Article:
Axel Schäfer, "Raum, Ritual und die Feier des Santiago in den südlichen zentralen Anden", in: eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Volume 4 (2015), 18–38 - Proceedings:
Cilliers Breytenbach (Ed.), Paul's Graeco-Roman Context, Leuven: Peeters, 2015 - Proceedings:
Svend Hansen, Pál Raczky, Alexandra Anders and Agathe Reingruber (Eds.), Neolithic and Copper Age between the Carpathians and the Aegean Sea. Chronologies and Technologies from the 6th to 4th Millennium BC. International Workshop Budapest 2012, Bonn: Habelt Verlag, 2015 - Incollection:
Florian Klimscha, "Ages and Stages of Copper. A comparative Approach to the Social Implementation of Metal Production and Artefacts during 5th and 4th Millennium in the Levant and the Balkan Peninsula", in: Karolina Rosinska-Balik, Agnieszka Ochal-Czarnowicz, Marcin Czarnowicz and Joanna Debowska-Ludwin (Eds.), Copper and Trade in the South-Eastern Mediterranean. Trade routes of the Near East in Antiquity, Oxford - New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 39–52 - Article:
Jürgen Renn, "From the history of science to the history of knowledge – and back", in: Centaurus, 57 (2015), 37–53 - Incollection:
Jürgen Renn, "Die Globalisierung des Wissens in der Geschichte", in: Olaf Breidbach, Andreas Christoph and Rainer Godel (Eds.), Welt-Anschauungen: interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf die Ordnungen des Globalen , 2015, 137–148 - Article:
Orly Lewis, Pavel Gregoric and Martin Kuhar, "The substance of De spiritu", in: Early Science and Medicine, 20 (2015), 101–124 - Article:
Orly Lewis and Pavel Gregoric, "De Spiritu: A new case against authenticity", in: Classical Philology, 110 (2015), 159–167 - Article:
Orly Lewis and Pavel Gregoric, "The context of De Spiritu", in: Early Science and Medicine, 20 (2015), 125–149 - Article:
Orly Lewis, "Marcellinus’ De pulsibus: a neglected treatise on the ancient 'Art of the Pulse'", in: Scripta Classica Israelica, 34 (2015), 195–214 - Incollection:
Orly Lewis, "The practical application of ancient 'pulse-lore' and its influence on the patient-doctor interaction", in: Georgia Petridou and Chiara Thumiger (Eds.), Homo patiens. Approaches to the Patient in the Ancient World, Leiden: Brill, 2015, 345–364 - Incollection:
Philip van der Eijk, "Melancholia and hypochondria – steps in the history of a problematic combination", in: Hélène Cazes and Anne-France Morand (Eds.), Miroirs de la mélancolie, 2015, 13–28 - Inproceedings:
Hermann Parzinger, Andrej Belinskij, Jörg Fassbinder and Anton Gass, "Большие курганы РЖВ и их периферия: результаты исследований северокавказских могильников с применением магнитометрии", in: Д.С. Коробов (Ed.), Археология и геоинформатика. Вторая международная конференция. Тезисы докладов, 2015, 27 - Incollection:
Anton Gass, "Radiocarbon chronology of the Early Iron Age monuments in Southeast Jetysu", in: Àrman Beisenov (Ed.), Sak culture of Saryarka in the context of the study of ethnic and sociocultural processes of Steppe Eurasia. The collection of scientific articles, dedicated to the memory archaeologist Kemal Akishev, 2015, 84–89 - Inproceedings:
Hermann Parzinger, Anton Gass and Jörg Fassbinder, "Geophysical research findings in Early Iron Age cemeteries with large burial mounds in Kazakhstan and Northern Caucasus", in: Vjačeslav Ivanovič Molodin and Svend Hansen (Eds.), International Symposium “Multidisciplinary methods in Archaeology: latest updates and outlook” . 22-26 June 2015 Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk: Publishing house of Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, 2015, 62 - Inproceedings:
Hermann Parzinger, Anton Gass, Jörg Fassbinder and Andrej Belinskij, "Interdisziplinäre Erforschung der Gräberfelder mit früheisenzeitlichen Großkurganen im Nordkaukasus", in: Maya Kašuba, Sabine Reinhold and Vadim Alekšin (Eds.), Der Kaukasus im Spannungsfeld zwischen Osteuropa und Vorderem Orient: Dialog der Kulturen, Kultur des Dialoges (im Gedenken an den 140. Geburtstag von Alexander A. Miller). Internationale Fachtagung für die Archäologie und Humboldt-Kolleg (5.-8. Oktober 2015, Sankt Petersburg) , 2015, 49–53 - Inproceedings:
Svend Hansen, "Aspects of Bronze Age Art", in: Svend Hansen and Vjačeslav Ivanovič Molodin (Eds.), The Bronze Age Art. Proceedings of the International Symposium. April, 15-19, 2013 Stralsund, Germany, 2015, 141–158 - Proceedings:
Svend Hansen and Vjačeslav Ivanovič Molodin (Eds.), The Bronze Age Art. Proceedings of the International Symposium. April, 15-19, 2013 Stralsund, Germany, 2015 - Incollection:
Ulrike Peter and Vladimir F. Stolba, "Der Balkanraum und das nördliche Schwarzmeergebiet", in: Carmen Arnold-Biucchi and Maria Caccamo Caltabiano (Eds.), Survey of Numismatic Research 2008–2013, 2015, 39–58 - Article:
Dirk Rohmann, "Review of: R. Schipke, Das Buch in der Spätantike. Herstellung, Form, Ausstattung und Verbreitung in der westlichen Reichshälfte des Imperium Romanum, Wiesbaden 2013", in: Historische Zeitschrift, 300 (2015), 767 - Incollection:
Philip van der Eijk, Mark J. Geller, Lennart Lehmhaus, Matteo Martelli and Christine Salazar, "Canons, authorities and medical practice in the Greek medical encyclopaedias of late antiquity and in the Talmud", in: Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum and Anita Traninger (Eds.), Wissen in Bewegung: Institution – Iteration – Transfer, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2015, 195–222 - Book:
Florian Gärtner, Galeni de locis affectis I–II. Galen: Über das Erkennen erkrankter Körperteile I–II, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015 - Incollection:
Bernd Roling, "Die Gleichzeitigkeit aller Gedanken: Debatten zur Erkenntnis der anima separata zwischen Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit", in: Susanne Köbele and Coralie Rippl (Eds.), Gleichzeitigkeit: Narrative Synchronisierungsmodelle in der Literatur des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2015, 53–74 - Article:
Dominik Perler, "Gibt es Individuen? Überlegungen zu Spinozas Monismus", in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 63 (2015), 497–517 - Incollection:
Dominik Perler, "Faculties in Medieval Philosophy", in: Dominik Perler (Ed.), The Faculties: A History, Oxford - New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 97–139 - Incollection:
Dominik Perler, "Introduction", in: Dominik Perler (Ed.), The Faculties: A History, Oxford - New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 3–18 - Article:
Markus Witte, "Review of: C. Frevel / K. Pyschny / I. Cornelius, A Religious Revolution in Yehud? The Material Culture of the Persian Period as a Test Case, Fribourg, 2014, Academic Press Fribourg", in: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins, 131 (2015), 214–217 - Incollection:
Stephen Menn, "Democritus, Aristotle, and the Problemata", in: Robert Mayhew (Ed.), The Aristotelian Problemata Physica. Philosophical and Scientific Investigations, Leiden: Brill, 2015, 10–35 - Incollection:
Stephen Menn, "How Archytas Doubled the Cube", in: Brooke Holmes and Klaus-Dietrich Fischer (Eds.), The Frontiers of Ancient Science. Essays in Honor of Heinrich von Staden, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015, 407–435 - Article:
Philipp Pilhofer, "Von Segelrouten und Konjekturen. Die Barnabas-Akten als Quelle zur Topographie der isaurischen Küste", in: Orbis Terrarum, 13 (2015), 192–210 - Article:
Jörg Fassbinder, Anton Gass, Ina Hofmann, Andrej Belinskij and Hermann Parzinger, "Early Iron Age kurgans from the North-Caucasus", in: Archaeologia Polona, 53 (2015), 280–284 - Inproceedings:
Jörg Fassbinder, Anton Gass, Ina Hofmann, Andrej Belinskij and Hermann Parzinger, "Early Iron Age kurgans and their periphery: Latest findings and interpretations from the northern Caucasus", in: The State Hermitage Museum (Ed.), Virtual Archaeology (Methods and benefits). Proceedings of the Second International Conference held at the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg: The State Hermitage Publishers, 2015, 81–88 - Incollection:
Svend Hansen, "Waffen aus Edelmetall", in: Harald Meller and Michael Schefzik (Eds.), Krieg. Eine archäologische Spurensuche, Darmstadt: Theiss-Verlag, 2015, 233–236 - Book:
Markus Witte, Texte und Kontexte des Sirachbuchs. Gesammelte Studien zu Ben Sira und zur frühjüdischen Weisheit, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015 - Incollection:
Markus Witte, "Emotions in the Prayers of the Wisdom of Solomon", in: Stefan Reif and Renate Egger-Wenzel (Eds.), Ancient Jewish Prayers and Emotions. Emotions associated with Jewish prayer in and around the Second Temple period, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015, 161–176 - Article:
Cilliers Breytenbach, "Lights from the Ancient Near East: Illumination of Exterior and Interior Space in the New Testament", in: Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 91.3 (2015), 101–108 - Webpage:
Lukas C. Bossert and Johannes Friedl, "archaeologie – A citation-style which covers rules of the German Archaeological Institute" ( - Inproceedings:
Renate Schlesier, "Unsicherheiten einer poetisch-erotischen Welt", in: Ramona Früh, Therese Fuhrer, Marcel Humar and Martin Vöhler (Eds.), Irritationen. Rhetorische und poetische Verfahren der Verunsicherung, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015, 297–321 - Incollection:
Peter Spahn, "archê in Herodotus and Thucydides", in: Christian Thauer and Christian Wendt (Eds.), Thucydides and Political Order. Vol. 1: Concepts of Order and the History of the Peloponnesian War, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, 59–85 - Article:
Ignacio Czeguhn and Yolanda Quesada Morillas, "El Agua en Al-Andalus. Una Aproximación a su Régimen jurídico: Fuentes del derecho y jursidicción", in: Codex. Zeitschrift der rechtshistorischen Abteilung der Akademie Andalusiens, (2015) - Book:
Stefan Esders and Gunnar Folke Schuppert, Mittelalterliches Regieren in der Moderne oder Modernes Regieren im Mittelalter?, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2015 - Inproceedings:
Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt, "Laterizio, progetti XXL e potere imperiale", in: Evelyne Bukowiecki, Rita Volpe and Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt (Eds.), IL LATERIZIO NEI CANTIERI IMPERIALI ROMA E IL MEDITERRANEO, Atti del I workshop “Laterizio”, Roma, 27-28 novembre 2014), Florenz: All'insegna del giglio, 2015, 213–219 - Inproceedings:
Evelyne Bukowiecki and Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt, "Trasporto e stoccaggio dei laterizi a Roma: nuove riflessioni in corso", in: Evelyne Bukowiecki, Rita Volpe and Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt (Eds.), IL LATERIZIO NEI CANTIERI IMPERIALI ROMA E IL MEDITERRANEO, Atti del I workshop “Laterizio”, Roma, 27-28 novembre 2014), Florenz: All'insegna del giglio, 2015, 45–49 - Inproceedings:
Evelyne Bukowiecki and Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt, "Approvvigionamento dei laterizi nei cantieri palatini", in: Evelyne Bukowiecki, Rita Volpe and Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt (Eds.), IL LATERIZIO NEI CANTIERI IMPERIALI ROMA E IL MEDITERRANEO, Atti del I workshop “Laterizio”, Roma, 27-28 novembre 2014), Florenz: All'insegna del giglio, 2015, 26–30 - Proceedings:
Evelyne Bukowiecki, Rita Volpe and Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt (Eds.), IL LATERIZIO NEI CANTIERI IMPERIALI ROMA E IL MEDITERRANEO, Atti del I workshop “Laterizio”, Roma, 27-28 novembre 2014), Florenz: All'insegna del giglio, 2015 - Collection:
Dorothée Sack and Martin Gussone (Eds.), Resafa-Sergiupolis/Rusafat Hisham, Syrien – Pilgerstadt und Kalifenresidenz. Die Kurzberichte des Resafa-Projekts aus den Jahrbüchern des MSD 2004–2014. Sonderdruck in thematischer Anordnung, Berlin: Scrîpvaz Verlag, 2015 - Article:
Dorothée Sack, Mohammed Sarhan and Martin Gussone, "Resafa, Syria. Pilgrimage City and Caliphal Residence. Last Field Campaign Spring 2011, Reprocessing and Preparations for Final Publication. The Resafa-Project 2011–2013", in: Chronique Archéologique en Syrie, 7 (2015), 139–155 - Incollection:
Wolfram Keller, "Genres and Developments in Medieval Poetry: The Fifteenth Century", in: Baumbach Sibylle, Birgit Neumann and Ansgar Nünning (Eds.), A History of British Poetry: Genres, Developments, Interpretations, Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2015, 41–54 - Article:
Evelyne Bukowiecki and Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt, "Die Ziegelstempel der Kaiserpaläste auf dem Palatin", in: e-Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 3 (2015), 62–69 - Article:
Evelyne Bukowiecki and Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt, "I bolli laterizi delle residenze imperiali sul Palatino a Roma", in: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Römische Abteilung, 121 (2015), 311–482 - Incollection:
Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt, "The Palace of the Roman emperors on the Palatine in Rome", in: Michael Featherstone, Jean-Michel Spieser, Gülru Tanman and Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt (Eds.), The emperor’s house. Palaces from Augustus to the age of absolutism, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015, 3–18 - Book:
Gerrit Bos, Maimonides, Medical Aphorisms. Treatises 16-21. A parallel Arabic-English edition edited, translated, and annotated, Provo: Brigham Young University, 2015 - Book:
Gerrit Bos and Tzvi Langermann, The Alexandrian Summaries of Galen’s On Critical Days. Editions and Translations of the Two Versions of the JAWAMIʿ, with an Introduction and Notes, Leiden: Brill, 2015 - Article:
David Warburton, "Review of Jürgen Renn (Ed.), The Globalization of Knowledge in History. Max Planck research library for the history and development of knowledge. Studies I (Berlin 2012)", in: Journal of Global History, 10 (2015), 198–200 - Incollection:
Lisbeth Christensen and David Warburton, "Forhistorisk og historisk arkæologi samt ikonografi", in: Armin W. Geertz and Tim Jensen (Eds.), Religionsforskningen før og nu. Bind II: Nyere tid, 2015, 283–335 - Article:
Christina Michel, Susanne M. Hoffmann and Wolfram Schier, "Built Knowledge-Spatial Patterns and Viewsheds of Middle Neolithic circular enclosures in the Northern Foreland of the Harz Mountains, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany", in: Bridging the Gap – Integrated Approaches in Landscape Archaeology, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 4 (2015), 139–161 - Article:
Claudia Näser, "Site management at Musawwarat es-Sufra 2014/15: concepts, measures and perspectives", in: Der Antike Sudan. Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin, 26 (2015), 7–26 - Article:
Claudia Näser and Manja Wetendorf, "The Musawwarat pottery project 2014/15", in: Der Antike Sudan. Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin, 26 (2015), 35–74 - Incollection:
Bettina Bohle, "Sind Platons Dialoge Literatur? Olympiodors Kommentar zu Platons "Gorgias" und der Figur des Kallikles", in: Jan Stenger (Ed.), Spätantike Konzeptionen von Literatur, Winter Verlag, 2015, 57–80 - Article:
Klaus Geus, "Alexander und Eratosthenes: Der Feldherr und der Geograph", in: Atti di Humboldt-Kolleg „Geografia e storia: antico e moderno/Geographie und Geschichte: antik und modern”, 19.–21. September 2013 in Perugia, Geographia Antiqua, 23/24 (2015), 53–61 - Book:
Verena Olejniczak Lobsien, Shakespeares Exzess. Sympathie und Ökonomie, Berlin und Wiesbaden: Berlin University Press, 2015 - Incollection:
Dominik Perler, "Perception in Medieval Philosophy", in: Mohan Matthen (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Perception, Oxford - New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 51–65 - Article:
Dominik Perler, "What is a Dead Body? Richard of Mediavilla and Dietrich of Freiberg on a Metaphysical Puzzle", in: Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales, 82 (2015), 61–87 - Article:
Dominik Perler, "Anneliese Maier and the Study of Medieval Philosophy Today", in: Journal of the History of Philosophy, 53 (2015), 173–184 - Incollection:
David Warburton, "The syntax of possession", in: Rune Nyord and Kim Ryholt (Eds.), Lotus and Laurel: Studies on Egyptian Language and Religion In Honour of Paul John Frandsen, 2015, 431–446 - Inproceedings:
David Warburton, "The New Kingdom Solar Theology in Scandinavia?", in: Panagiotis Kousoulis and Nikolaos Lazardis (Eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, 22-29 May 2008, Louvain: Peeters Publishers, 2015, 1271–1280 - Incollection:
Monika Trümper, "South Baths at Morgantina: Assessment of the Heating System in the Context of Graeco-Roman Public Baths", in: Laura Maniscalco (Ed.), Morgantina Duemilaequindici. La ricerca archeologica a sessant'anni dall'avvio degli scavi, 2015, 102–114 - Article:
Georg Kaufmann, Burkart Ullrich and Philipp R. Hoelzmann, "Two Iron-Age Settlement Sites in Germany: From Field Work via Numerical Modeling towards an Improved Interpretation", in: Archaeological Discovery, 3 (2015), 1–14 - Article:
Michael Thelemann, Enrico Lehnhardt, Wiebke Bebermeier and Michael Meyer, "Iron, Humans and Landscape – Insights from a Micro-Region in the Widawa Catchment Area, Silesia", in: Bridging the Gap – Integrated Approaches in Landscape Archaeology, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 4 (2015), 109–138 - Incollection:
Michael Meyer, "Roman Cultural Influence in Western Germania Magna", in: Simon James and Stefan Krmnicek (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Roman Germany, 2015 - Article:
Dietmar Roth, Brian Beckers, Jonas Berking, Sarah Isselhorst and Brigitta Schütt, "A short history of the water and society in the region of Vélez Blanco, East Andalusia", in: Water History, 8 (2015), 59–73 - Article:
Elke Kaiser and Katja Winger, "Pit graves in Bulgaria and the Yamnaya Culture", in: Praehistorische Zeitschrift, 90 (2015), 114–140 - Article:
Martin Schumacher, Brigitta Schütt and Wolfram Schier, "Near Landscapes of the Textile Revolution", in: Bridging the Gap – Integrated Approaches in Landscape Archaeology, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 4 (2015), 162–187 - Book:
Daniel A. Werning, Einführung in die hieroglyphisch-ägyptische Schrift und Sprache. Propädeutikum mit Zeichen- und Vokabellektionen, Übungen und Übungshinweisen, 3rd Ed., Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2015 - Inreference:
Almut-Barbara Renger, "Authority", in: Robert Segal and Kocku von Stuckrad (Eds.), Vocabulary for the Study of Religion. Vol. 1: A–E, Leiden: Brill, 2015, 145–152 - Article:
Gisela Eberhardt and Nadine Riedl, "Altertum ganz neu: Bücher Open Access publizieren", in: Archäologische Informationen, 38 (2015), 53–61 - Article:
Kerstin P. Hofmann, "(Post)Moderne Raumkonzepte und die Erforschung des Altertums", in: Atti di Humboldt-Kolleg „Geografia e storia: antico e moderno/Geographie und Geschichte: antik und modern”, 19.–21. September 2013 in Perugia, Geographia Antiqua, 23/24 (2015), 25–42 - Inproceedings:
Kerstin P. Hofmann, "In Geschichten verstrickt ... Menschen, Dinge, Identitäten", in: Dietrich Boschung, Patric-Alexander Kreuz and Tobias Kienlin (Eds.), Biography of Objects. Aspekte eines kulturhistorischen Konzepts, 2015, 87–123 - Inproceedings:
Serge Reubi, "Why is the Dialogue so Difficult between the Historiography of the Social Sciences and the Historiography of Science?", in: Gisela Eberhardt and Fabian Link (Eds.), Historiographical Approaches to Past Archaeological Research, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 223–242 - Inproceedings:
Fabian Link, "“More Important than all Technical Features Would Appear to us the volkliche Differences”. Gotthard Neumann and the völkisch thought in German Prehistory, 1920s–1960s", in: Gisela Eberhardt and Fabian Link (Eds.), Historiographical Approaches to Past Archaeological Research, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 191–222 - Inproceedings:
Felix Wiedemann, "Stones and Stories. On the Use of Narratological Approaches for Writing the History of Archaeology", in: Gisela Eberhardt and Fabian Link (Eds.), Historiographical Approaches to Past Archaeological Research, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 165–189 - Inproceedings:
Marieke Bloembergen and Martijn Eickhoff, "The Colonial Archaeological Hero Reconsidered. Post-Colonial Perspectives on the ‘Discovery’ of the Prehistoric Past of Indonesia", in: Gisela Eberhardt and Fabian Link (Eds.), Historiographical Approaches to Past Archaeological Research, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 133–164 - Inproceedings:
Ulrich Veit, "Objects of Knowledge in Modern Settlement Archaeology. The Case of the Iron Age Fürstensitze (‘Princely Residences’)", in: Gisela Eberhardt and Fabian Link (Eds.), Historiographical Approaches to Past Archaeological Research, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 115–131 - Inproceedings:
Géraldine Delley, "The Long Revolution of Radiocarbon as Seen through the History of Swiss Lake-Dwelling Research", in: Gisela Eberhardt and Fabian Link (Eds.), Historiographical Approaches to Past Archaeological Research, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 95–114 - Inproceedings:
Amara Thornton, "Social Networks in the History of Archaeology. Placing Archaeology in its Context", in: Gisela Eberhardt and Fabian Link (Eds.), Historiographical Approaches to Past Archaeological Research, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 69–94 - Inproceedings:
Irina Podgorny, "Towards a Bureaucratic History of Archaeology. A Preliminary Essay", in: Gisela Eberhardt and Fabian Link (Eds.), Historiographical Approaches to Past Archaeological Research, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 47–67 - Inproceedings:
Marianne Sommer, "(Net)working a Stone into a Tool. How Technologies of Serial Visualization, Arrangement, and Narration Stabilized Eoliths as Archeological Objects", in: Gisela Eberhardt and Fabian Link (Eds.), Historiographical Approaches to Past Archaeological Research, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 15–45 - Inproceedings:
Gisela Eberhardt and Fabian Link, "Historiographical Approaches to Past Archaeological Research. Introduction", in: Gisela Eberhardt and Fabian Link (Eds.), Historiographical Approaches to Past Archaeological Research, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 7–14 - Proceedings:
Gisela Eberhardt and Fabian Link (Eds.), Historiographical Approaches to Past Archaeological Research, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015 - Article:
Moritz Nykamp, Bernhard Heeb, Daniel Knitter, Jan Krause, Rüdiger Krause, Alexandru Szentmiklosi and Brigitta Schütt, "Linking Hydrological Anomalies to Archaeological Evidences – Identification of Late Bronze Age Pathways at the Fortification Enclosure Iarcuri in Western Romania", in: Bridging the Gap – Integrated Approaches in Landscape Archaeology, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 4 (2015), 77–92 - Article:
Karl-Johan Lindholm, Kim von Hackwitz, Anneli Ekblom, Daniel Löwenborg and John Ljungkvist, "Rethinking Human Nature: Bridging the ‘Gap’ through Landscape Analysis and Geographical Information Systems (GIS)", in: Bridging the Gap – Integrated Approaches in Landscape Archaeology, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 4 (2015), 94–108 - Article:
Laura Morabito, "An Integrated Workflow for Dealing with Prehistoric Landscapes: Reconstructing Structures, Relationships, and Places", in: Bridging the Gap – Integrated Approaches in Landscape Archaeology, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 4 (2015), 66–76 - Article:
Thusitha Wagalawatta, Wiebke Bebermeier, Daniel Knitter, Kay Kohlmeyer and Brigitta Schütt, "Ancient Rock Quarries in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka", in: Bridging the Gap – Integrated Approaches in Landscape Archaeology, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 4 (2015), 48–65 - Article:
Susanne Grunwald, "Archäologische Reviere. Individuelle Forschungsräume in der Ur- und Frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie", in: Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Beiträge des interdisziplinären Theorie-Workshops für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 5 (2015), 213–241 - Article:
Stefan Schreiber, "Vergangenheit als personaler Wissensraum. Oder: Wie bastle ich mir meine eigenen Vergangenheiten?", in: Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Beiträge des interdisziplinären Theorie-Workshops für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 5 (2015), 195–212 - Article:
Arvi Korhonen, "Vergangenheit als Wissensraum: Zur Konstruktion von Wissensräumen am Beispiel des altägyptischen Hauses H72 von Elephantine", in: Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Beiträge des interdisziplinären Theorie-Workshops für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 5 (2015), 169–194 - Article:
Benjamin Hübbe, "‚In anmutiger Reise durch Antike, Mittelalter und Frühe Neuzeitʻ. Zur Konstruktion eines (antiken) Germaniens in den Commentarii Rerum Germanicarum des Petrus Bertius von 1616", in: Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Beiträge des interdisziplinären Theorie-Workshops für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 5 (2015), 156–168 - Article:
Eliese-Sophia Lincke, "Raumwissen in Hieroglyphen. Die sprachliche Kategorisierung des ägyptischen Ortes Sile (Tjaru) aus prototypentheoretischer Sicht", in: Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Beiträge des interdisziplinären Theorie-Workshops für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 5 (2015), 127–155 - Article:
Peter Sturm, "Zwischen Dispositionen und Eigensinn. Zum Stellenwert von Raumwissen und Wissensraum im Rahmen einer archäologischen Analyse alltäglichen Handelns", in: Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Beiträge des interdisziplinären Theorie-Workshops für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 5 (2015), 110–126 - Article:
Daniel Wendt, "Narrativer Nomadismus. Raum und Wissen bei Herodot (im Anschluss an Deleuze)", in: Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Beiträge des interdisziplinären Theorie-Workshops für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 5 (2015), 86–109 - Article:
Christoph Poetsch, "Der Aspekt der Hinsicht. Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Raum und Wissen im platonischen Bildbegriff", in: Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Beiträge des interdisziplinären Theorie-Workshops für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 5 (2015), 64–85 - Article:
Ralf Leipold, "Begriffene Welt und das (verborgene) Wissen um und über Räume", in: Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Beiträge des interdisziplinären Theorie-Workshops für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 5 (2015), 39–63 - Article:
Kerstin P. Hofmann and Stefan Schreiber, "Call for Papers und Programm des Berliner Workshops", in: Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Beiträge des interdisziplinären Theorie-Workshops für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 5 (2015), 6–8 - Article:
Kerstin P. Hofmann and Stefan Schreiber, "Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Vielfältige Figurationen eines weiten Forschungsfeldes für die Altertumswissenschaften", in: Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Beiträge des interdisziplinären Theorie-Workshops für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 5 (2015), 9–38 - Article:
Hans-Joachim Gehrke and Peter Meusburger, "Grußworte", in: Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Beiträge des interdisziplinären Theorie-Workshops für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 5 (2015), 3–5 - Article:
Kerstin P. Hofmann and Stefan Schreiber, "Vorwort", in: Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Beiträge des interdisziplinären Theorie-Workshops für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 5 (2015), 1–2 - Periodical:
Kerstin P. Hofmann and Stefan Schreiber (Eds.), Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Beiträge des interdisziplinären Theorie-Workshops für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 5 (2015), Berlin: Exzellenzcluster 264 Topoi - Article:
Fabian Horn, "Visualising Hom. Il. 3.57: 'Putting on the Mantle of Stone'", in: Rheinisches Museum für Philologie. Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, 158 (2015), 1–7 - Article:
Cătălin Nicolae Popa and Daniel Knitter, "From Environment to Landscape. Reconstructing Environment Perception Using Numerical Data", in: Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 26 October 2015 (2015), 1–22 - Inproceedings:
Undine Lieberwirth, Bernhard Fritsch, Markus Metz, Markus Neteler and Kerstin Kühnle, "Applying Low Budget Equipment and Open Source Software for High Resolution Documentation of Archaeological Stratigraphy and Features", in: Arianna Traviglia (Ed.), Across Space and Time. Papers from the 41st Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Perth, 25–28 March 2013, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2015, 104–119 - Article:
Jens-Olaf Lindermann, "Rezension zu: Renate SCHIPKE, Das Buch in der Spätantike. Herstellung, Form, Ausstattung und Verbreitung in der westlichen Reichshälfte des Imperium Romanum. Wiesbaden: Reichert 2013, 280 S", in: Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft (GFA), 18 (2015), 1189–1193 - Article:
Maud Devolder, "Review of “Elite Minoan architecture: its development at Knossos, Phaistos, and Malia”. By Joseph W. Shaw. Pp. 196. Prehistory monographs, 49. Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press, 2015. ISBN 9781931534772", in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review, ([inpress]) - Article:
Maud Devolder, "Review of “The Making of the Middle Sea: A History of the Mediterranean from the Beginning to the Emergence of the Classical World”. By Cyprian Broodbank. Pp. 672, figs. 338, color pls. 49. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013. $49.95. ISBN 9780169999781 (cloth)", in: American Journal of Archaeology, 119.1 (2015) - Inproceedings:
Maud Devolder, "Manpower and Neopalatial Architecture. The Architectural Project as a Meaningful Experience", in: Diamantis Panagiotopoulos, Ute Günkel-Maschek and Sarah Cappel (Eds.), Proceedings of the conference ‘Minoan Archaeology. Challenges and Perspectives for the 21st Century’ held in Heidelberg, 23–27 March 2011, 2015, 241–252 - Article:
Vasso Zographaki, Florence Gaignerot-Driessen and Maud Devolder, "Nouvelles recherches sur l'Anavlochos", in: Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 136–137.2 (2012/2013) (2015), 513–535 - Incollection:
Julien M. Ogereau, "Methodological Considerations in Using Epigraphic Evidence in Determining the Socioeconomic Context of the Early Christians", in: J.R. Harrison and L.L. Welborn (Eds.), Polis and Ekklesia: Investigations of Urban Christianity, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature Press, 2015, 245–275 - Article:
Jens-Olaf Lindermann, "Rezension zu: Jean-Yves Guillaumin, Les arpenteurs romains, Tome III: 'Commentaire anonyme sur Frontin'. Collection des universités de France. Série latine, 408. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2014. Pp. xlvii, 159. ISBN 9782251014685. €53.00 (pb)", in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2015.08.42 (2015) - Article:
Mark R. Groenhuijzen and Philip Verhagen, "Exploring the dynamics of transport in the Dutch limes", in: Bridging the Gap – Integrated Approaches in Landscape Archaeology, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 4 (2015), 25–47 - Article:
Bert J. Groenewoudt, "The Whole Story. Bridging the Gap between Landscape-archaeological Data from Drylands and Wetlands", in: Bridging the Gap – Integrated Approaches in Landscape Archaeology, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 4 (2015), 1–24 - Periodical:
Daniel Knitter, Wiebke Bebermeier and Oliver Nakoinz (Eds.), Bridging the Gap – Integrated Approaches in Landscape Archaeology, eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 4 (2015), Berlin: Exzellenzcluster 264 Topoi - Article:
Hagan Brunke, "Überlegungen zu Raumerfassung und Flächenrechnung in Mesopotamien", in: eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Volume 4 (2015), 1–17 - Periodical:
Gerd Graßhoff and Michael Meyer (Eds.), eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Volume 4 (2015), Berlin: Exzellenzcluster 264 Topoi - Inproceedings:
Udo Hartmann, "Herrscher mit geteilten Loyalitäten. Vasallenherrscher und Klientelkönige zwischen Rom und Parthien", in: Ernst Baltrusch and Julia Wilker (Eds.), Amici - socii - clientes? Abhängige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 301–362 - Inproceedings:
Andreas Luther, "Das Königreich Adiabene zwischen Parthern und Römern", in: Ernst Baltrusch and Julia Wilker (Eds.), Amici - socii - clientes? Abhängige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 275–300 - Inproceedings:
Claudia Tiersch, "Zwischen Resistenz und Integration. Lokale Clanchefs im römischen Nordafrika", in: Ernst Baltrusch and Julia Wilker (Eds.), Amici - socii - clientes? Abhängige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 243–273 - Inproceedings:
Klaus-Peter Johne, "Klienten, Klientelstaaten und Klientelkönige bei den Germanen", in: Ernst Baltrusch and Julia Wilker (Eds.), Amici - socii - clientes? Abhängige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 225–242 - Inproceedings:
Boris Dreyer, "Königliche Herrschaft und römische Präsenz. Römische Imperiumsträger als Nachfolger attalidischer Administration", in: Ernst Baltrusch and Julia Wilker (Eds.), Amici - socii - clientes? Abhängige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 199–223 - Inproceedings:
Altay Coşkun, "Die Tetrarchie als hellenistisch-römisches Herrschaftsinstrument. Mit einer Untersuchung der Titulatur der Dynasten von Ituräa", in: Ernst Baltrusch and Julia Wilker (Eds.), Amici - socii - clientes? Abhängige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 161–197 - Inproceedings:
David Braund, "Kings beyond the claustra: Nero’s Nubian Nile, India and the rubrum mare (Tacitus, Annals 2.61)", in: Ernst Baltrusch and Julia Wilker (Eds.), Amici - socii - clientes? Abhängige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 123–159 - Inproceedings:
Julia Wilker, "Der Preis des Reiches. Auswärtige Euergesien abhängiger Herrscher zur Zeit des frühen Prinzipats", in: Ernst Baltrusch and Julia Wilker (Eds.), Amici - socii - clientes? Abhängige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 91–122 - Inproceedings:
Ernst Baltrusch, "Wissen. Macht. Reich. König Herodes, die Juden Kleinasiens und Rom", in: Ernst Baltrusch and Julia Wilker (Eds.), Amici - socii - clientes? Abhängige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 67–90 - Inproceedings:
Hendrikus van Wijlick, "Attitudes of Eastern Kings and Princes towards Rome in the Age of Civil War, 49–31 BC", in: Ernst Baltrusch and Julia Wilker (Eds.), Amici - socii - clientes? Abhängige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 51–66 - Inproceedings:
Raimund Schulz, "Helfer auf Abruf? Fremde Könige im Kontext der römischen Provinzialverwaltung in der Zeit der späten Republik", in: Ernst Baltrusch and Julia Wilker (Eds.), Amici - socii - clientes? Abhängige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 37–50 - Inproceedings:
Christian Wendt, "More clientium. Roms Perspektive auf befreundete Fürsten", in: Ernst Baltrusch and Julia Wilker (Eds.), Amici - socii - clientes? Abhängige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 19–35 - Inproceedings:
Ernst Baltrusch and Julia Wilker, "Amici - socii - clientes? Abhängige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum", in: Ernst Baltrusch and Julia Wilker (Eds.), Amici - socii - clientes? Abhängige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 7–18 - Proceedings:
Ernst Baltrusch and Julia Wilker (Eds.), Amici - socii - clientes? Abhängige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015 - Article:
Jens-Olaf Lindermann, "Rezension zu: Gian Biagio CONTE, Ope ingenii. Experiences of Textual Criticism Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2013", in: Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft (GFA), 18 (2015), 1041–1044 - Inproceedings:
Elliott Shore, "Modern Restaurants and Ancient Commensality", in: Susan Pollock (Ed.), Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Towards an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 277–288 - Inproceedings:
Christine Hastorf, "Steamed or Boiled. Identity and Value in Food Preparation", in: Susan Pollock (Ed.), Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Towards an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 243–276 - Inproceedings:
Tamara Bray, "Ritual Commensality between Human and Non-Human Persons. Investigating Native Ontologies in the Late Pre-Columbian Andean World", in: Susan Pollock (Ed.), Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Towards an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 225–241 - Inproceedings:
Adelheid Otto, "Defining and Transgressing the Boundaries between Ritual Commensality and Daily Commensal Practices. The Case of Late Bronze Age Tall Bazi", in: Susan Pollock (Ed.), Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Towards an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 205–223 - Inproceedings:
Walther Sallaberger, "Home-made Bread, Municipal Mutton, Royal Wine. Establishing Social Relations during the Preparation and Consumption of Food in Religious Festivals at Late Bronze Age Emar", in: Susan Pollock (Ed.), Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Towards an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 181–204 - Inproceedings:
Jason Kennedy, "Commensality and Labor in Terminal Ubaid Northern Mesopotamia", in: Susan Pollock (Ed.), Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Towards an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 143–179 - Inproceedings:
Maria Bianca D'Anna, "Between Inclusion and Exclusion. Feasting and Redistribution of Meals at Late Chalcolithic Arslantepe (Malatya, Turkey)", in: Susan Pollock (Ed.), Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Towards an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 111–141 - Inproceedings:
Francesca Balossi Restelli, "Eating at Home and 'Dining' Out? Commensalities in the Neolithic and Late Chalcolothic in the Near East", in: Susan Pollock (Ed.), Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Towards an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 87–110 - Inproceedings:
Katheryn Twiss, "The Complexities of Home Cooking. Public Feasts and Private Meals Inside the Çatalhöyük House", in: Susan Pollock (Ed.), Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Towards an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 63–85 - Inproceedings:
Paul Halstead, "Feast, Food and Fodder in Neolithic Bronze Age Greece. Commensality and the Construction of Value", in: Susan Pollock (Ed.), Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Towards an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 29–61 - Inproceedings:
Susan Pollock, "Towards an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces. An Introduction", in: Susan Pollock (Ed.), Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Towards an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015, 7–28 - Proceedings:
Susan Pollock (Ed.), Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Towards an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces, Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2015 - Article:
Jens-Olaf Lindermann, "Rezension zu: Documents d’arpentage de l’Antiquité tardive. Textes établis, traduits et annotés par Jean Peyras. Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Compté 2013. IX, 83 z.T. Doppels. (Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l’Antiquité.)", in: GNOMON. Kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft, 87 (2015), 320–326 - Inproceedings:
Lukas C. Bossert, "Theseus ohne Minotauros? Der Zweikampf auf dem Klitias-Krater", in: Christoph Klose, Lukas C. Bossert and William Leveritt (Eds.), Fresh Perspectives on Graeco-Roman Visual Culture. Proceedings of an International Conference at the Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, 2nd–3rd September 2013, 2015, 1–21 - Proceedings:
Christoph Klose, Lukas C. Bossert and William Leveritt (Eds.), Fresh Perspectives on Graeco-Roman Visual Culture. Proceedings of an International Conference at the Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, 2nd–3rd September 2013, 2015 - Article:
Lukas C. Bossert, "IN FORMAM ANTIQVAM RESTITVTO? Überlegungen zur Inschrift der Porticus Deorum Consentium (CIL VI 102) und ihren Ergänzungen im 19. Jahrhundert", in: Berliner Studien zum Antiken Rom, ([inpress]) - Book:
Katalin Schober, Räume des antiken Griechenland in britischen Reiseberichten des 18. Jahrhunderts. Wahrnehmung und Imagination, Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2015 - Incollection:
Verena Olejniczak Lobsien, "Reflection: Faculties and Imagination", in: Dominik Perler (Ed.), The Faculties: A History, Oxford - New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 140–149 - Collection:
Dominik Perler (Ed.), The Faculties: A History, Oxford - New York: Oxford University Press, 2015 - Incollection:
Christian Wendt and Christian Thauer, "Thucydides and Political Order", in: Christian Thauer and Christian Wendt (Eds.), Thucydides and Political Order. Vol. 1: Concepts of Order and the History of the Peloponnesian War, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, 3–20 - Book:
Claudia Gerling, Prehistoric Mobility and Diet in the West Eurasian Steppes 3500 to 300 BC. An isotopic Approach, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015 - Incollection:
Philip van der Eijk, "Galen on the assessment of bodily mixtures", in: Brooke Holmes and Klaus-Dietrich Fischer (Eds.), The Frontiers of Ancient Science. Essays in Honor of Heinrich von Staden, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015, 675–698 - Collection:
Christian Thauer and Christian Wendt (Eds.), Thucydides and Political Order. Vol. 1: Concepts of Order and the History of the Peloponnesian War, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 - Incollection:
Daniel A. Werning, "Genitive possessive constructions in Égyptien de tradition. Compound construction vs. of-construction", in: Eitan Grossmann and Stéphane Polis (Eds.), Possession in Ancient Egyptian, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, [inpress], approx. 30 p. - Article:
Christiane Zimmermann, "Christinnen in Lykaonien (3.-5.Jh.)", in: Early Christianity, 6 (Dec 2015), 445–487 - Article:
Christiane Zimmermann, "Überall Asketinnen und Asketen? Eine Spurensuche in Lykaonien", in: Berliner Theologische Zeitschrift, 1 (2015), 84–106 - Book:
Martin Thiering, Spatial Semiotics and Spatial Mental Models. Figure-Ground Asymmetries in Language, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015 - Book:
Daniel Neumann, Landschaften der Ritualisierung. Die Fundplätze kupfer- und bronzezeitlicher Metalldeponierungen zwischen Donau und Po, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015 - Inproceedings:
Philip van der Eijk, "The place of disease in a teleological world-view: Plato, Aristotle, Galen", in: Julius Rocca (Ed.), Teleology in the Ancient World. The Dispensation of Nature, [inpress] - Incollection:
Cilliers Breytenbach, ""Metaphorical’ Redefinition of Church Space through LXX-Texts on Christian Monuments in Asia Minor", in: Markus Witte and Sven Behnke (Eds.), The Metaphorical Use of Language in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015, 471–486 - Collection:
Markus Witte and Sven Behnke (Eds.), The Metaphorical Use of Language in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015 - Article:
Hans Kopp, "Der Demos als Großkönig: Athen und die Idee der ‚Weltherrschaft" in Aristophanes’ Rittern", in: Historia, 64 (1) (2015), 26–48 - Incollection:
Mathieu Ossendrijver, "Compendia and Procedure Texts in the Mesopotamian Astral Sciences", in: J. Cale Johnson (Ed.), In the Wake of the Compendia. Infrastructural Contexts and the Licensing of Empiricism in Ancient and Medieval Mesopotamia, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015, 47–57 - Inproceedings:
Johannes Auenmüller, "Provincial New Kingdom Elite Tombs – Space, Place, and Significance", in: Mariusz Jucha (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th Central European Conference of Egyptologists 'Egypt 2012: Perspectives of Research'. Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University Krakow, 5.-7. July 2012, [inpress] - Article:
Fabian Horn, "“Sleeping the brazen slumber”. A cognitive approach to Hom. Il. 11.241", in: Philologus. Zeitschrift für antike Literatur und ihre Rezeption, 159,2 (2015), 197–206 - Inproceedings:
Maria Bianca D'Anna and Carolin Jauß, "Cooking at 4th millennium BCE Chogha Mish (Iran) and Arslantepe (Turkey). Investigating the social via the material", in: Susanne Kerner, Cynthia Chou and Morton Warmind (Eds.), Commensality and Social Organization: Food and Identity. Kopenhagen 06.10.–09.10.2011, 2015 - Inreference:
Markus Witte, "Ham (Person) | Hebrew Bible / Old Testament", in: , Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015, 62–64 - Incollection:
Klaus Geus, "The Progress of Sciences: Astronomy and Hipparchus", in: Serena Bianchetti, Michele R. Cataudella and Hans-Joachim Gehrke (Eds.), Brill´s Companion to Ancient Geography: The Inhabited World in Greek and Roman Tradition, Leiden: Brill, 2015, 150–160 - Incollection:
Mathieu Ossendrijver, "Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy", in: Clive Ruggles (Ed.), Handbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy, Wien / New York: Springer, 2015, 1863–1870 - Incollection:
Maximilian Benz and Julia Weitbrecht, "The Dynamisation of Otherworld Spaces in Medieval Visonary Texts of Irish Provenance", in: Dagmar Schlüter and Wolfram Keller (Eds.), Hiberno-Continental Cultural and Literary Interactions in the Middle Ages, Münster, [inpress] - Incollection:
Jan Moje, "Zur Paläographie der Inschriften im Grab des Siamun", in: Katja Lembke (Ed.), Das Grab des Siamun in der Oase Siwa, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2015 - Inproceedings:
Dorothée Sack, "St. Sergios in Resafa. Worshipped by Christians and Muslims Alike", in: Michael Blömer, Rubina Raja and Achim Lichtenberger (Eds.), Continuity and Change: Religious Identities in the Levant from Alexander to Muhammed. International Conference at the Danish Institute in Damascus, 25-27th March 2010, Turnhout: Brepols, 2015, 271–282